Fiscal New Year's Eve

Hourglass image with text reading Fiscal Year 2023 will be here soon!

Happy New Year! The Federal Fiscal New Year, that is!  October 1 marks the beginning of the year in the federal contracting world. So, just like the beginning of the calendar year, now is the time to reflect on the past year, assess your performance and CPARS ratings, and maybe resolve to do better. Did you make that positive impression that you wanted? Do your customers see your performance as exceptional?

Looking forward – what will you do differently to improve your competitive edge? October 1 gives you a chance to start over in the new year on the right foot, and the right foot means great CPARS scores. Having exceptional ratings makes all the difference. It’s not enough to do great work, you must ensure that your CPARS ratings and narratives tell the story of your remarkable performance. After all, your CPARS is how your customer judges you, and it is a very significant factor in maintaining and expanding your future business with the federal government.

So, the question becomes – do you know the steps you need to take to ensure a great CPARS score? Be proactive to ensure you have an exceptional new year with exceptional scores, by teaming with GovConRx - we have the tools and experience to help you. We are the recognized leader in the CPARS arena and have a proven record of success!  Don’t wait to get started, as the clock is rapidly ticking down and the New Year will be here before you know it!

Kenneth Susskind